Natural Resources- Gone? | 4-8

By: Samuel Desai
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The population on earth is growing, at about 7.5 billion and still growing, we need more natural resources every day. And we can't take these resources forever.There are many different resources we need to save.


Oil is one of those resources which we will lose very soon. If we continued to consume it at our current rate, our oil supply would run dry in 45 years, but our consumption rates of oil should continue to increase, lasting us about 25 more years.
  • Possible transition to renewable energy :)
  • Shrinks economies like Russia's (built on oil)
  • less transport to places


Water is one of the most fought over resources in the modern  world. Climate Change is causing severe worldwide droughts. Only 2.5% of the worlds water is fresh. Of that 2.5%, 70% of it is locked up in glaciers. Of that amount (.75%), 10% is used for drinking. THAT ONLY LEAVES .075% of the worlds water to drink, which isn't very much.
  • Famine
  • Drinking water shortage


Every year, 15 billion trees are cut down, and overall 46% of all the trees in the world have been cut down since human civilization started.( from: These trees provide us with clean air, and a place for animals to live in. They also help prevent soil erosion.
  • desertification
  • speeds up climate change


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