U.S. Pollution

U.S. Pollution

By: Nathan Shan
In mid 2015, the U.S.'s regular pollution index was 33.34 and it's exp pollution index was 58.29. If you don't know what a regular pollution index or an exp pollution index is (I didn't either), take a moment and google it! The U.S.'s rank was 85 out of 103 countries for the regular pollution index and 82 out of 103 for the exp pollution index (rank 1 is most polluted and rank 103 is least polluted). That's actually pretty good, and we can make it even better! Help conserve the environment and stop pollution by recycling, using green things (i.e. solar panels and roof gardens), saving water, using less electricity, etc. The highest ranking country was Ghana, first in both the regular pollution index and the exp pollution index. It's regular pollution index was 100.01 and it's exp pollution index was 181.14! This surprised me, since Ghana is a small country and it does not have a lot of people. The lowest ranking country in both categories was Iceland, with a regular pollution index of only 13.78 and an exp pollution index of only 24.49. GO ICELAND!!!!!

If you want to see the full list, click on the link below.


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