The Keystone XL pipeline will not happen!/ Meeting with Admins

Earlier this week, Obama announced something! He told the public that they Keystone XL pipeline will not be built. Being an environmental blog, we are all for Obama's decision. This decision comes at the time of our Energy Sources series, so we can cover more about this in our first Energy Sources post, fossil fuels.

Why is this type of oil collecting worse than others? You have to clear land, and extracting the oil from the Canadian Tar Sands pollutes more than any other type of oil extraction.

Environmentalists are really happy with Obama's decision!

Please leave a comment!!!
The other day, I met with Nathan (the owner of this blog) and Tej (the second person to blog on this blog) about the future of our blog. We have decided that each of us will do two posts for the series. The last one coming out on December 19! Then we will have a poll run from that date till January 6, my birthday. We are recruiting a tech support person, Alan Whitman, to HTML code our blog.


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