The Pigment Yellow

By Nathan Shan

Cadmium Yellow:

Artificial, made in a lab with the minerals greenockite and hawleyite, along with some chemicals. It can be made in a variety of colors. Relatively cheap.

Chrome Yellow:

Also artificial, made by adding chemicals to lead salt. It's fairly dark and dull. Not very expensive.

Cobalt Yellow:

Artificial, made entirely of chemicals. It's lighter than Chrome and fairly expensive.

Indian Yellow:

Made from the urine of cows that were fed mango leaves. Looks more like orange than yellow. It was banned from the market because feeding cows only mango leaves made them starve, so Indian yellow was considered inhumane. Not very expensive.

Lead-Tin Yellow:

Artificial, made entirely of chemicals. It is very bright, and relatively cheap.

Lemon Yellow:

Artificial, made entirely of chemicals. It has the same color as a lemon, and is not very expensive.

Naples Yellow:

Artificial, made with a lead compound and chemicals. It's fairly dark, and is used a lot in watercolor. Relatively cheap.


It can be made naturally with the mineral orpiment, or artificially with chemicals. It is a little darker than lemon yellow. It's not very expensive

Yellow Ochre:

It can be made naturally with minerals in Brazil, or artificially with chemicals. This is the darkest yellow, and is relatively cheap.


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