Hi there, here are some new things we are releasing to the public!
Project Green Milk
- We've made a new project and it is called green milk.
- We can only tell you we added a code for it on the Green Blog in 6.2.
- What it does is a secret
Coding team
- K Baer
- Alan Whitman
- Frederick
Project B8
- We made another project it is called B8
- We will drastically change the way you view the blog. Sometime in may
- Sadly... we will have to use force and show our blue and red spirit
Coding Team
- K Wu
- Alan Whitman
- Frederick
New series!
We've released a new series which will start on March 5th. Here are the details:
- 5 posts on countries and what they are doing to help the environment
The schedule
March 5: Samuel Desai- Finland
March 12: Sameer Mehta-China
March 19: Alan Whitman-Japan
March 26: Nathan Shan-India
April 2: Samuel Desai- United States
We will have a poll at the end of the series on what you want out next post to be on
The Green Blog Team
Please note: if you want to learn more, please take a look at the URL for this blog post.
Please note: if you want to learn more, please take a look at the URL for this blog post.