The history of the Flint Water Crisis
By: Samuel Desai
The Crisis in Michigan started more than a year ago. However, it is still an ongoing problem:Here is the history:
- On April 25, 2014. The governor of Michigan transferred the water from the Detroit system to the Flint River
- The Flint city gov. said the water was safe to drink
- In August and September 2014, the city issues a Boil Water Advisory, because high levels of unsafe bacteria were detected
- In October 2014, The Detroit Water System invites Flint to switch back to their water. The city declined because of the $4 billion transfer fee.
- On Feb. 18, 2015, high levels of lead were detected in the cities water
- Later, in March, there was another lead level test which yielded even higher levels of lead (397 ppb(parts per billion))
- Finally, on Oct. 16, 2015, Flint reconnected to the Detroit Water System
- This was not the end of the problems
- There is still high lead levels in the water in Flint.
- Obama and Michigan Gov. Rick Synder have both declared state-of-emergencies
