The history of the Flint Water Crisis


By: Samuel Desai
The Crisis in Michigan started more than a year ago. However, it is still an ongoing problem:

Here is the history:

  1. On April 25, 2014. The governor of Michigan transferred the water from the Detroit system to the Flint River
  2. The Flint city gov. said the water was safe to drink
  3. In August and September 2014, the city issues a Boil Water Advisory, because high levels of unsafe bacteria were  detected
  4. In October 2014, The Detroit Water System invites Flint to switch back to their water. The city declined because of the $4 billion transfer fee.
  5. On Feb. 18, 2015, high levels of lead were detected in the cities water
  6. Later, in March, there was another lead level test which yielded even higher levels of lead (397 ppb(parts per billion))
  7. Finally, on Oct. 16, 2015, Flint reconnected to the Detroit Water System
    1. This was not the end of the problems
  8. There is still high lead levels in the water in Flint.
  9. Obama and Michigan Gov. Rick Synder have both declared state-of-emergencies


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