Reverse Photosynthesis
Scientists discovered something called reverse photosynthesis less than a month ago. You've probably heard of regular photosynthesis, which is the process plants go through to get food from water and sun. Reverse photosynthesis is used by fungi and bacteria to decompose things. It is not actually a reverse process of photosynthesis, but photosynthesis with an enzyme. Photosynthesis is made up of sunlight and chlorophyll, and when combined with specific enzymes, it makes reverse photosynthesis. Reverse photosynthesis breaks down plant matter into chemicals relatively quickly, and scientists believe they can use it to produce biofuel much quicker than the normal rate. For example, most of the chemicals energy manufacturers use to make biofuel are slow and extremely expensive. They can take 24 hours just to start reacting! Reverse photosynthesis, on the other hand takes JUST 10 MINUTES! This could change the biomass industry radically. Keep an eye out for reverse photosynthesis!
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