Solar Energy!
Solar Energy
Kaden Chien
Solar energy is an environmentally friendly source of energy. It is a radiant energy emitted by the Sun.There are three types of solar energy. Concentrated, Thermal and Photovoltaic. Concentrated solar energy is when a large amount of sunlight is concentrated in to one small area. Solar thermal uses the Sun's energy and generates a low-cost source of energy that is used to heat many fluids. Photovoltaic solar energy is sunlight absorbed by material witch knocks out electrons which allows the material to produce electricity. These are three of the many ways that you can harness energy without polluting. Solar energy is low-cost and can be used in many different ways. Some of the ways are for heating, ventilation, lighting, or creating energy.Solar energy is a great source of energy. Therefore, it should be promoted to be used commonly in our society.
Down below you will see examples of Photovoltaic, Thermal, and concentrated solar energy.
Photovoltaic energy diagram
Down below you will see examples of Photovoltaic, Thermal, and concentrated solar energy.
Photovoltaic energy diagram
The material collects the sunlight witch releases electrons into the receivers creating electricity.
The solar power tower collects the sunlight creating energy witch is used to heat the hot storage tank where the water is sent to the steam generator and turbine sending the steam to the cold storage tank witch sends the water in that into the solar power tower restarting the process.
Concentrated energy diagram
The solar power is concentrated into one small part of the glass receiver witch turns to steam and creates electricity.