The Tesla is an efficient (~105 miles per gallon equivalent model S) all electric car. Helps the environment, but you want to put Tesla products at you home, and save money. During the day, it charges from your solar panels. In the evening, when electricity is expensive and you can't get more power from your roof, the power wall releases the electricity into your home. You can buy multiple for  $3,000 each (7 KwH. 10 KwH is $3500 per).This excludes installation fees. It also comes in different colors. Tesla is planning a gen 2, but there aren't very many details on that. Tesla has also developed a Powerpack for use in major buildings. The capacity for them is 100 KwH per.

You may ask "How does it work?". Well, here is how.  The solar panel generates energy (see Solar Post) Then, the energy goes to the Inverter and the Powerwall. At night, The Powerwall releases its energy into the inverter, which shows up in your electrical outlets.

There is some competition for Tesla, but not much yet. 13 days ago, Nissan released its version called the xStorage. It is only available in  Europe. Nissan has no immediate plans to bring it to the US. With the conversion, it costs about $4,500 for a 4.2KwH unit, but this includes installation. Mercedes has plans of creating competition. But , there is no cost or release date.

As you see, The Tesla Powerwall is a very interesting product. It has some competition, but I think the Tesla will be the clear leader in The Solar energy storage market.
Mercedes Competition

The power wall can be connected to each other!
Nissan Competition


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