Future Cars

Mercedes - Future Cars

In one, the "Car Series" plan post there was supposed to be a BMW, LeECO, and a Mercedes car post. I've decided to take on one of those jobs. Since I don't really know what the Blog meant by new car I'm 'improving'. I took a look at Mercedes website and found a bunch of cool new cars. I'm going to write a couple of them today. The first one that 'interested' me is the: -AMG GLC43 Coupe. On their website, it says, "One Part SUV, One Part Coupe, All Parts AMG". Honestly, the Coupe has a really nice design, all of its features seems nice (for more information check their website [down below]). The next one is the: Vision Maybach 6*. From the pictures, it looks like this car is going to be a flying car sometime in the future. But in the name, it says Concept Car, so it probably won't be made anytime soon. The doors are apparently Falcon Doors (Elon M: Copy-Cat!). Anyway, the back of the car is really far back, as if it's a defect Laffy-Taffy. The 'motto' for this car is, "Excellence, in it,'s most exclusive form".
 If you want to see more of these cars view their website, there are a bunch of cool cars. I will try to finish the Series plan (if no one else does it).

Vision Pictures:

~Eli U.


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