
Showing posts from November, 2016

Driverless Cars

 Driverless Cars, they're closer than you might think they are. If you look at big News companies (New York Times, TIME, Washington Post, etc.) around a year or two ago, you'd find something known as 'Project Titan' somewhere in the headlines. Project Titan was basically the iCar, and that basically sums it up. Except, the 'iCar' was meant to be not a regular car, but a driverless car. Recently, there is a bunch of news articles about driverless cars, as they are coming closer to reality, but Project Titan has died out. (On there is a news article claiming,  "Goodbye, Project Titan: Apple's Car Ambitions Fade..."    In the beginning of the news article it says that with the release of the iPhone 6, it disturbed time for possible research on the iCar. Then it says that the Apple executives 'seem' to 'give up' on Project Titan for now. One of the reasons that Apple decided to postpone Project Titan was because, " It ...

Gasoline, Hybrid, Electric, Hydrogen, Gasoline, and Diesel Cars! | 4-8

Gasoline,  Hybrid, Electric, Hydrogen, and Diesel Cars! - Grades 4-8  As we all know there are 3 main car types: Gasoline, Hybrid, and Electric. And, I posted before about Hydrogen Cars, so that makes 4 types of cars. But, there is 1 more car type, Diesel. In this post, it'll be all about the 5 different types of cars, Gasoline being the first, Diesel being the last.  Gasoline cars are everywhere, if you look on the back of almost every car that you see you'll probably see no Hybrid sign, but a tailpipe. Gasoline cars are cars that run on Gasoline mostly, and they are the worst way to travel (using cars). You have to refill them at least 2 times a week (depending on the car model and its millage). There are gas stations almost around every block, taking space for businesses, which are forced to move to different areas, which are possibly making the residential area smaller. As a fun-fact: When you drive a car (that's about 6 months o...


Hello all, The new URL for the Green Blog is Thank you for your cooperation as we make these changes. The Green Blog will reopen tomorrow.

North Carolina's Banks, Gone?

 In the United States there are three area vulnerable to rising waters: North Carolina, South Florida, and Norfolk, Virginia. In North Carolina there is a scientist that is trying to save the Inner Banks, the end of a costal plain. The state of North Carolina is only looking 3 years ahead, instead of 9 years ahead. Scientists think that North Carolina should be looking 9 years, but the state isn't responding. So, a scientist named Stan Riggs is planning to save the Inner Banks, he has created a school program to get children engaged in this issue, and plans to make a documentary for those schools. He also created a charity called  North Carolina Land of Water. Frank Gorham, the leader of the Coastal Commission says that Riggs did not understand the problem that North Carolina has. He says that he is possibly the best environmentalist that there ever is.  Hurricane Matthew doesn't help this issue, killing about 29 people and caus...

Pollution in India

Recently in India, Diwali has been going on. Diwali is the festival of lights in India which celebrates Ram and Sita defeating the reason Ravana. People usually celebrate with fireworks and lighting a "candle." These celebrations have taken a toll on India's air quality. Before Diwali, the air pollution was bad: But after, was a whole other story: These celebrations for Diwali put pollution levels 42 times above recommended pollution rates. And with now wind to blow the pollution away in the next months, it is only supposed to get worse. You see, India has two primary seasons, a season of drought, and a season on monsoons. In the dry season, there is little wind. It occurs at this time of year until the spring.  It is not like I am against these celebrations, I just wish to seek an alternative. Maybe environmental friendly fireworks display all over, instead of having one major one which everyone goes to. Good luck India! Hard time of cancer are ahead for the ne...