Pollution in India

Recently in India, Diwali has been going on. Diwali is the festival of lights in India which celebrates Ram and Sita defeating the reason Ravana. People usually celebrate with fireworks and lighting a "candle." These celebrations have taken a toll on India's air quality. Before Diwali, the air pollution was bad:
But after, was a whole other story:
These celebrations for Diwali put pollution levels 42 times above recommended pollution rates. And with now wind to blow the pollution away in the next months, it is only supposed to get worse. You see, India has two primary seasons, a season of drought, and a season on monsoons. In the dry season, there is little wind. It occurs at this time of year until the spring. 
It is not like I am against these celebrations, I just wish to seek an alternative. Maybe environmental friendly fireworks display all over, instead of having one major one which everyone goes to.
Good luck India! Hard time of cancer are ahead for the next couple of months.
~Samuel Desai
After, is a whole other story:


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