Driverless Cars

 Driverless Cars, they're closer than you might think they are. If you look at big News companies (New York Times, TIME, Washington Post, etc.) around a year or two ago, you'd find something known as 'Project Titan' somewhere in the headlines. Project Titan was basically the iCar, and that basically sums it up. Except, the 'iCar' was meant to be not a regular car, but a driverless car. Recently, there is a bunch of news articles about driverless cars, as they are coming closer to reality, but Project Titan has died out. (On there is a news article claiming, "Goodbye, Project Titan: Apple's Car Ambitions Fade..." 
  In the beginning of the news article it says that with the release of the iPhone 6, it disturbed time for possible research on the iCar. Then it says that the Apple executives 'seem' to 'give up' on Project Titan for now. One of the reasons that Apple decided to postpone Project Titan was because, "It probably doesn't make sense for the tech giant to get into auto manufacturing". Later it says that Apple would probably still look into the automobile industry now, but they probably won't be making a car anytime soon.
  Back to the driverless cars, there is an article on the Washington Post that asks, "Are you ready to try a driverless car?..." (which is also the title name). According to the article 70% of Americans say that they would like to try a driverless car (70% out of 2,001 people). That same survey also proved that 60% of those same 2,001 people didn't know what driverless cars were, and didn't think they'd live to see driverless cars. About 41% of the people recognize the term 'autonomous', which proves a lot. And, some of those people might not even see one, since there isn't any confirmation that there would be a driverless car rolling down the conveyor belt, though Google has tested their car for more than 1.8 million miles on the highway. According to Brian Markwalter, "And the driver-
assistance features already on the market may be sparking the excitement as more drivers experience the safety and convenience these new features provide."

As you see, many people are interested in self driving cars, but do not know about them.

~TGU - Green Team Blog Article: Goodbye Apple Car!
Washington Post Article: Driving A Driverless Car


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