Ocean Acidification | Grades 4-8

Ocean Acidification (Link To Next Post In Series & Series Plan Post) Written By: TGU - Blogger First Of All, what is Ocean Acidification? Ocean Acidification is when the water absorbs the CO 2 that is released into the air. The water absorbs the CO 2 in the air because of hydrogen ions in the water. When the CO 2 gets absorbed into the water the water becomes more acidic, which makes it difficult for coral reefs and sea shells to build. The ocean will probably be dead if we don't do anything about it now. Here are a couple of stories relate to Ocean Acidification. Stanford researchers released a VR software in October, which 'teleports' the user to the future, and you are able to fully explore the ocean, seeing how the ocean will (possibly) become with what's currently happening. The software allowed the player to also see the Carbon emissions coming from the car, and it allows the user to fo...