
Showing posts from April, 2016

The Fracking Facts

I wrote this post to inform you what fracking is, and how it is affecting our environment.  First things first, I can't even write a post without not knowing what fracking is! Fracking is when you put toxic liquids inside the ground at a high pressure so they can get shale rocks that release oil. After you get the water that is needed for fracking, you need about 400 tanker trucks to take the water to and from the fracking site. That's a lot of fossil fuels we're using on! To frack, it takes about 1-8 million gallons of water!  At the fracking site, they mix water, sand and lots of chemicals to make fracking liquid(which is poisonous!) They use 40,000 gallons of chemicals for fracking! They use up to 600 chemicals in fracking, including radium, mercury, uranium, and methanol, just to name a few. Then, when the liquid goes underwater, it contaminates the water there. Then it contaminates the water that the city uses to drink. After, the some of the liquid decomposes, but m...

Happy Earth Day (GED 2016)

Happy Earth Day! Here's what has happened since 1970:

Blog version 7

Hello there, we've spent some time making changes to the blog New Look Modified background, fonts, and colors Mobile Site Changed to a template which will speed up the load time for all mobile devices. Added Surveys  Are you being clean? Favorite electric car Added About Page, this replaces the mission statement Added Interactive Page Added Weather Gadget Added Tesla Model 3 release show video Changed Earth GIF Removed Earth Day form Thanks for your cooperation, Samuel Desai, Carolyn Fu, Nathan Shan, and others

Blog GED- April 21 2016

Solar energy has been used for over 2700 years. In 700 BC, glass lenses were used to make fire by magnifying the sun’s rays. From:

Blog GED- April 20 2016

The largest solar power plant in the world is located in the Mojave Desert in California, covering 1000 acres. From:  http://www.conserve-ene

Blog GED- April 19 2016

75% of marine fisheries are now overfished or fished to capacity.  U.S. EPA, 2009. Sustainable Materials Management: The Road Ahead.

Blog GED- April 18 2016

More than 100 billion pieces of junk mail are delivered in the United States each year, which comes out to 848 pieces per household. The production, distribution and disposal of all that junk mail creates over 51 million metric tons of greenhouses gases annually, the equivalent emissions of more than 9.3 million cars.  ForestEthics, 2008. Climate Change Enclosed: Junk Mail’s Impact on Global Warming.

Earth Day Agenda

Here is the secret order: Walk-In Video Trash in water Clean Energy Acid Rain You Carbon Footprint How to Help The Earth Deforestation Global Warmings effect on animals Blue Crabs Raffle Golden Lemurs Electric Cars


Within 10 years, wind power  could provide 20% of America’s power . From:

Political Cartoon!

Here is a political cartoon!

Blog GED- April 16 2016

Less than 1% of the  world’s freshwater  is readily available for human use. From:

Tesla Model 3

TESLA MODEL 3 By Tej Mehta We have been waiting a long time for the new, affordable Tesla. Recently, thousands of people lined up to pre-order the 35,000 dollar car. Tesla said that each person would have to put down 1000 dollars to have it pre-ordered. According to Tesla, by April 15, they had reached almost 400,000 orders. The Tesla model 3 takes all the modern technology of Tesla's other cars, and puts it in a affordable, all electric car. The Tesla model three can go 215 miles on a single charge, and it can reach 60 MPH in under 6 seconds. However, that is not as good as the Tesla model S P90D, which can reach 60 MPH in 2.8 seconds! The Tesla Model 3 has all wheel drive, and a 15 inch screen . The model 3 is ultimately the Model S, scaled down in price, and it is not as advanced. But, it is still more affordable and will lead to Tesla making more money. Not to mention, it still does have the spice of Tesla Motors added to it! Elon Musk says that the car should have 5 star ...

Blog GED- April 15 2016

1% of Australia’s  untapped geothermal power potential  could provide enough energy to last 26,000 years.  From here!

Solar Energy!

Solar Energy Kaden Chien Solar energy is an environmentally friendly source of energy. It is a radiant energy emitted by the Sun.There are three types of solar energy. Concentrated, Thermal and Photovoltaic. Concentrated solar energy is when a large amount of sunlight is concentrated in to one small area. Solar thermal uses the Sun's energy and generates a low-cost source of energy that is used to heat many fluids. Photovoltaic solar energy is sunlight absorbed by material witch knocks out electrons which allows the material to produce electricity. These are three of the many ways that you can harness energy without polluting. Solar energy is low-cost and can be used in many different ways.  Some of the ways are for heating, ventilation, lighting, or creating energy.Solar energy is a great source of energy. Therefore, it should be promoted to be used commonly in our society. Down below you will see examples of Photovoltaic, Thermal, and concentrated solar energy. Photovo...

Endangered Species Report

Endangered Species Report- 4/14/16 Black Rhinoceros  Honestly, the Black Rhinoceros seems hopeless. In just 22 years, 96% of their population was depleted because of poaching, illegal wildlife trade, increase of want for rhino horns, habitat loss, and multiple other curses on this poor species. In fact, one subspecies of the  Diceros bicornis (black rhino) is actually thougth to already be extinct. They're so endangered that the headline of a UK newspaper actually said "DOOMED", with-guess what- a picture of the Black Rhinoceros on it. I think that pretty much proves how much this species has gone through. First off, let me give you an overview on the black rhino. No, it is not actually a "black rhinoceros", it's gray like most rhinos. Their diet mainly consists of trees, bushes, and fruit, probably because it has a pointed upper lip. They often feed at night, and also have good hearing and a great sense of smell. You'd think that beca...

Blog GED- April 14, 2016

The global area of oxygen depleted dead zone now covers an area roughly the size of the state of Oregon.  These are areas of water that have become uninhabitable due to a lack of oxygen for marine life to breathe. From:

Blog GED- April 13, 2016

There is no known scientific way of predicting earthquakes. The most reliable method is to count the number of missing cats in the local paper: if it trebles, an earthquake is imminent. From:

Reverse Photosynthesis

      Scientists discovered something called reverse photosynthesis less than a month ago. You've probably heard of regular photosynthesis, which is the process plants go through to get food from water and sun. Reverse photosynthesis is used by fungi and bacteria to decompose things. It is not actually a reverse process of photosynthesis, but photosynthesis with an enzyme. Photosynthesis is made up of sunlight and chlorophyll, and when combined with specific enzymes, it makes reverse photosynthesis. Reverse photosynthesis breaks down plant matter into chemicals relatively quickly, and scientists believe they can use it to produce biofuel much quicker than the normal rate. For example, most of the chemicals energy manufacturers use to make biofuel are slow and extremely expensive. They can take 24 hours just to start reacting! Reverse photosynthesis, on the other hand takes JUST 10 MINUTES! This could change the biomass industry radically. Keep an eye out for reverse phot...

Blog GED- April 12 2016

The largest landfill in the world is the Fresh Kills landfill, on Staten Island. It is more than 500feet in height. Opened in 1948, it encompasses 2,200 acres about 2.8 by 3.8 miles and contains nearly 3 billion cubic feet of fill. The facility was closed in March 2001, but reopened to receive debris created by the fall of the World Trade Center. From:

Blog GED- April 11 2016

Before heading off on your trip unplug appliances to reduce Standby Power, energy used when appliances are in standby mode. (Global Standby Power consumes up to 480 TWh/year, nearly triple Mexico’s total electricity consumption.) Turn off or lower thermostat and water heater settings and suspend newspaper delivery. Such measures will help you save energy and money. Lastly, leave pets at a shelter or with a sitter.  Image From:

Man designs buildings lasting 250 years

The environmentalist Denis Hanes has helped build buildings which are highly environmentally friendly. He also helped coordinate the first Earth Day in 1970. 1    This was a big success. In the first year alone, more than 22 million people celebrated the holiday. Also, he is the chairman of the Builitt foundation which built this building as their headquarters in Seattle. Here are some of the details of this building: All of their windows are triple-panned argon-filled and stretch up to the ceiling. This completely eliminates  the need for lights in the building. If all buildings were light like this in the United States, then we would reduce our energy consumption by about 15%  (or about 52 billion KwH). This building uses about 1/9 of the cost of energy an average Seattle building per square foot. The toilets use 1/2 of a cup of water mixed with biodegradable soap instead of using artificial chemicals and 1.25 gallons  of water. Their toilets cre...

Blog GED- April 10 2016

Every three months, Americans throw away enough aluminum to rebuild the nation ’s commercial air fleet. From: Solar Impulse 2

Cruise Ships- What are they doing to help?

Cruise Ships- What are they doing to help? By: Samuel Desai Did you know cruises are one of the most cost-effective ways to see the world? But, according to environmental consultant Pat Maher,"Cruises are probably the least environmentally friendly form of transportation going." Cruises dump untreated sewage into the ocean,which increases the grow of algae, decreasing the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water, which is needed for many animals to survive chain. Also, they spew sulfur dioxide into the air.  The EPA has set numerous standards for polluting it. Sulfur dioxide has also been linked to a negative effect on respiratory system (asthma). Studies have shown a link between short-term exposure to sulfur dioxide and visits to the emergency room. To read more on this go  here. Here are some partnerships between cruise lines and environmental funds. 1. Royal Caribbean and WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Royal Caribbean promises to cut their emissions by 35% in th...

Blog GED- April 9, 2016

Here is the fact: But whether home or away, try to opt for greener or shared modes of transportation such as trains or buses. If renting a vehicle select a hybrid or low emissions compact model. Compared to other forms of transportation, planes produce the most emissions. To reduce your travel footprint, fly in the daytime, fly direct or combine flights and pack light. Finally, purchase  carbon offsets  to counteract the environmental impact of your plane’s emissions. More info: Interesting...

Blog GED- April 8, 2016

Here is the fact: E-waste has become a growing concern for most nations.  Landfills have become filled with our old computers, cell phones, printers, iPods, and other electronics that we take for granted.  However, our experience in dealing with waste, in general, is showing that we are prepared to deal with e-waste so long as we are committed to doing so.  Recycling programs, government initiatives, and social responsibility are leading the challenge in dealing with this by-product of evolving technology.   Many thanks too:

Blog GED: April 7, 2016

Here is today's fact: For every 1 MW of increased wind energy capacity, 4.85 full-time jobs are created in clean renewable energy. Read More!

Blog GED- April 6, 2016

Here is today's fact: Vacationing need not be distant or exotic to be memorable and fun. “Staycationing” is the easiest way to save money and the environment. By vacationing within driving distance and overnighting at home you not only support your local economy and save money on accommodation but also help the environment by reducing your carbon footprint. Interesting Chart! From:

Blog GED- April 5, 2016

Todays fact is: Use a compost.  Over 30% of all garbage thrown away could go to better use in composting. Read more!

The US

The US By: Samuel Desai According to the EPI, the US is the 26th most green country. Even though we have taken steps to reduce our carbon foot print they are not enough. The EPA The EPA is a Governemental Orginization, founded in 1970, which regulates the environment, collects emmission data, partners internaionally, and helps people be more Green. The Plans The EPA has partenered with many different presidents to create environmental laws, the most famous being Obama's Clean Power Plan . Clean Plan This plan has been hailed as the best environmental action by a president yet. The plan enforces a 32% emission decrease from power plants from the 2005 data. States will have to comply by 2022, but this shouldn't be a problem because there has already been more than a 15% decrease. Obama helping out in the Community Other things... As far as I'm sure, the government has not done much other than this but to raise awareness.  There are many a...

Blog GED Fact: April 4 2016

Here is the fact: 40% of drinking water comes from plastic bottles From:

Blog version 7

Dear readers, We are making some changes to the Green Blog Today we are releasing blog version 7 beta 1. We will have changes coming out over the next 2 1/2 weeks. Sorry for any inconveniences ~Green Blog

Blog GED Fact: April 3 2016

Here is the fact: The way we produce, consume and dispose of our products and our food accounts for 42% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.  From:

Blog GED: Fact April 2, 2016

Here is the fact: In the past 50 years, humans have consumed more resources than in all previous history.  From

Tesla Model W

Recently, Tesla unveiled the Model W. It is their version of a smart watch. You want to look at the limited details on it, go here . APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BLOG!!!!! ~Samuel